Flex 2018-03-01 Flex Magazine | Page 113

start responding, you’d better not whisper at it—no, my friends, you need to scream! Intense stretching of a muscle both during a set and after the body-part workout is complete has been shown in scientific research (as well as in practice) to measurably augment the anabolic response to resistance training. Some possible reasons for this include enhanced satellite cell proliferation and increased output of powerful growth-producing hormones, ON THE DAYS YOU WILL BE ATTACKING A STUBBORN BODY PART IN THE GYM, TRY ADDING IN 120 GRAMS OF CARBS. or close-grip pulldowns for lats) with a strong stretch component every time you train the targeted muscle. Hold the stretch position for five seconds on every rep of every set of this movement. On the following exercise use a rep range of at least 15 to 20 to flush a large amount of healing blood, nutrients, and oxygen to the damaged muscle. such as IGF-1. Regardless of the reason, what is important is that it works—but you must be willing to take the pain! Try implementing the following stretching strategy for your most stubborn muscle group. AFTER WORKOUT Perform one more 30- to 60-second stretch for the targeted muscle, trying to increase the pull every few seconds (during the stretch). Make sure to breathe deeply throughout the 30 to 60 seconds, and make sure to work into it slowly and gradually to prevent injury. DURING WORKOUT Include at least one exercise (such as flyes for chest, sissy squats for quads, FLEXONLINE.COM 111