FleetDrive 37 - October 2022 | Page 17

FLEETDRIVE includes a compliance dashboard that identifies noncompliant drivers and vehicles . The technology even builds risk profiles and scores for each driver that can assist in risk management and planning .
Together with Interleasing ’ s Accident Tracker platform , which provides full visibility of the financial and operational impacts of all accidents , it can also quickly help ascertain high-risk drivers and those that might benefit from further training , to help ensure your driver safety risks are minimised .
Interleasing ’ s Driver Manager collects driver and vehicle information you need and houses :
• Company policies and procedures for easy access and record keeping
• A compliance dashboard for drivers with email alerts sent to managers should any document be declined
• A risk profiler for each driver
• An overlay of vital driver and grey fleet vehicle data for compliance , cost management and to help improve WHS / OHS compliance
Taking a proactive approach improves safety and protects organisational reputations
Today , the expectations placed on fleets go far beyond avoiding physical accidents , to include how your drivers and organisation are perceived in the wider community .
Managing the impact of the most common causes of fleet-related accidents – reversing or parking , damage whilst parked , nose to tail collisions , unexplained / unreported damage and incidents caused by hitting objects on road 2 – is now coupled with the responsibility of considering other , often unseen impacts of poor driver safety , like reputational damage .
Fleet Auto News , Top 5 causes of accidents for fleets , June 2022
The hidden costs of poor driver safety
The fleet , and in particular vehicles with branding , are a very public expression of your organisation ’ s culture and values . Poor driver safety and behaviour can not only cause accidents but can present a highly negative view of your brand , whether this is failure to adhere to road laws , aggressive behaviour behind the wheel or simple discourtesy . Ensuring your employees recognise that they are representatives of your organisation when they are driving for business , can help change the mindset of drivers behind the wheel , improving both safety and reputational outcomes .
Safety risk management should extend to all of your fleet
Taking a proactive approach can help your organisation get on top of undesirable behaviour before it causes a serious accident . Driver behaviour , use of mobile phones , drug and alcohol policy , traffic laws and speeding should all be covered as part of your fleet risk policy , as well as ensuring you have a section that clearly details the responsibilities of the driver ( and organisation ) in the event of an accident .
When it comes to safety , a robust policy should encompass not just vehicles owned or leased by your organisation , but all vehicles used for business purposes , including vehicles owned by employees and contractors , and those hired for short or medium-term use .
Interleasing can help enhance your fleet ’ s driver safety practices
Interleasing ’ s Driver Training and Driver Manager platforms give organisations a better way to implement and manage driver safety practices across their fleet .
To book in your demo get in touch today .