FleetDrive 37 - October 2022 | Page 16

Getting up to Speed on Driver Safety


There has been a 41 % increase in the usage of company owned vehicles over the last 12 months . 1 Many drivers are due for a safety refresher after a period focused on COVID-safe protocols . Yet the latest AfMA Fleet Insights Report shows us driver safety has moved from the second highest priority in 2020 to fifth in 2022 . In this article we explore solutions to keep drivers safe and effectively manage this risk without increasing the workload for fleet managers .

Keeping the spotlight on driver safety amongst other priorities remains an industry challenge
Driver training needs to be consistent , effective and trackable
Education and training are essential foundations that keep drivers and the community safe . Equally important is the ability of fleet managers to demonstrate training participation and effectiveness .
AfMA & ACA Research , Australian Corporate Fleet Insights Report , 2022
Solutions such as Interleasing ’ s comprehensive e-learning platform , Driver Training , can help fleets demonstrate a continuous driver education experience and measure its effectiveness through trackable results , whilst delivering stakeholder visibility .
Interleasing ’ s Driver Training delivers maximum impact in a convenient and accessible way . Experience :
• Best-practice guidance through 16 learning modules
• Easy to digest training broken down into 8-10 minute sessions
• 24 / 7 access – so drivers can complete their learning at a time that suits them
• The ability to see individual driver training records
• The convenience of reminders for future training
Technology can help identify and track driver safety risks
Utilising technology can be a time saving , cost-efficient and better way to improve your fleet ’ s driver safety outcomes . Not only can these platforms ensure a compliant fleet , by capturing grey fleet information such as registration , insurance and vehicle maintenance , they can also deliver information needed to make informed proactive decisions – such as identifying high risk vehicles , behaviours and drivers .
Interleasing ’ s Driver Manager solution , for example ,
16 ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU