The View from Here
Greetings, Flaherty Fanzine Fans! Welcome to my column, The View from Here.
For this kick off edition, let me explain exactly where "here" is, and what the "view" from "here" will be about.
"Here" is where I sit. And right now that is in the chair, so to speak, of a fifty-something year old. Each decade of life seems to offer a bit of a different perspective - and as I have very recently entered the decade of fifty (ouch, that is a big number) I thought that I would share my reflections from that vantage point as I travel the road of the fifties. This column is as much, if not more, for me as for my readers. I look forward to the journey of discovering - as I reflect on experiences and observations and lessons gleaned from my passage through this life. Some articles will be amusing (I imagine) some sentimental (I'm sure) and some may even have a nugget of wisdom (I hope).
I trust that you, dear reader, will enjoy the View from Here even a portion of the amount that I plan to enjoy sharing it with you.
Your fellow author,
Ianne Effe-Peecha