Sissy Squat
Lie Back
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart holding a weight plate in front of chest. Then sit back into a squat and
slowly drop hips down on the bench or floor while you lower your body down. Move your arms overhead,
then move your arms forward as you push through your heels to stand back up to starting position.
Note: If you don’t have
a Sissy Squat apparatus,
a Turkish Get-Up with a
kettle bell works nicely.
Just make sure you do an
equal number of rounds
on each side of the body.
Crunch with
Plate Press
Lie on your back on the bench or floor holding a weight plate, ball or dumbbell above
your chest with your arms straight. Crunch up, reaching the weight plate/ball or dumbbell as far toward to the sky as possible. Squeeze your abs and hold the top position
for two seconds.
Tip: Keep your tailbone in contact with the bench or floor throughout the entire exercise. Also, do not crunch forward. Instead, attempt to reach upward toward the ceiling,
which will cause better abdominal muscle recruitment.
Squat Pulses
Standing upright with feet hip-width apart, maintain good posture.
Keep chest up, back flat, hands holding plate in front of chest and look
forward. Squat down until knees reach 90 degrees, then just pulse the
movement at this lowered position.
Tip: Make sure to keep your heels down on the floor concentrating on your
body weight going through your heels. Keep knees back behind toes.
FitnessX.com / FitnessX Magazine