Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 3 September 2016 | Page 16

Personal Trainers... Masters of Fit sound strategy. And as the world becomes ever more complex, offloading complex tasks to experts becomes a sane, sensible approach to maximizing what you can accomplish. This same approach holds true for fitness. Unless you have the time to become a fitness expert, and the dedication to stay up on all the evolving trends, equipment and research, you are far better off turning to a fitness professional for guidance. Think of it this way: your investment in fitness is directly linked to your most precious asset - your self. Your health, your fitness, your quality of life and your longevity depend upon it. When you hire a personal trainer, you are acknowledging these facts. You are making a sane, sensible decision based on the simple idea that you need to be fit, and you are not a fitness expert. Anthony Spadolini, Fittest Individual in this years Contest, under the watchful eyes of his trainer, Joe Skorubski Y You’re here, at the gym, surrounded by tons of equipment, dozens of classes, multiple programs from yoga to kickboxing to something called a “Queenax.” Where do you start? Where do you focus? What are you looking to accomplish? There have never been more options for getting fit. So many that it can feel overwhelming and a tad intimidating. We live in an age of specialization. Most of us dedicate ourselves to our work (and our family) and become something of an expert at what we do. This is a logical, efficient approach that maximizes our career potential. Makes sense, but it comes at a price. While we’re expert at what we do, we have little time left to become expert in other areas that can have a profound impact on our success, health and happiness. For example, we know we need to invest part of our earnings for retirement. But how many of us have the time or inclination to become expert investors? The solution? We turn to investment professionals, experts who spend their working lives learning and understanding the ins-andouts of successful investment. This is a 16 So now, having said all that, let me ask you again; What are you hoping to accomplish? Because whatever it is, a trainer will help you get there. For example... Is it about appearance? Do you want to lose 10 pounds? Do you want to drop a size or two? Getting ready for a vacation? Are you looking for six pack abs? Are you getting married, preparing for a wedding? Is it about performance? Do you want to compete in a marathon? A triathlon? Do you want to improve your golf game? Perfect your tennis game? Do you want to run faster? Lift more? Or is it about health? Do you hope to reduce your blood pressure? Do you want to recover from an injury? Hoping to relieve stress? Want to sleep better? State your goal! It may be simple or more complex, but you can't reach it until you define it. And once you have said it out loud, look for all the support you need. People work harder and perform better when someone else is helping them. That's where Fitness Incentive, as well as personal training, comes in. Autumn 2016 FIT to Print Hiring a Personal Trainer is not just another purchase. It's an investment in yourself, in your health and in your future. And, simply put, you're worth it every dollar! There is nothing more important than good physical and mental health and no surer way to achieve both than regular exercise and healthy eating. These are the key ingredients, and those are the exact ingredients a trainer can provide. That's why the decision to hire a personal trainer is so empowering. You're not out there on your own anymore now you have a fitness professional in your corner to help you get real results, safely and efficiently! So what can you expect? Working with a trainer keeps your commitment level high. For many, the hardest part is getting started and for others, it's sticking with it. But studies suggest people who work with trainers are more likely to stick to an exercise routine than those who work out on their own. You will be accountable for how often you work out as well as how well and efficiently you work out. And, of course, it's a given that a trainer will push you harder than you would push yourself. That may sound intimidating, but your trainer is there to help you discover your limits, to push you and help you achieve more than you thought possible. Like an athletic coach, a trainer will ask you to dig deep within yourself for more. And just when you think you can't possibly do any more, you'll be told to "hold for another minute" or do "10 more reps." And guess what! You dig down deep and find that you can do it! You should also expect some “homework” assignments!! Your trainer will encourage you to work out on your own and tell you what to do both inside and outside the gym.You may not always like it, but you'll like the results, which is the point of having the trainer. Your trainer will work with you and create a program that is designed to meet your unique goals while also making sure that the goals you have in mind are appropriate and realistic for you. Success is a process, and your trainer will have defined steps for you to follow. Give it time! Remember there is a science that works as the basis for your training. Your trainer has knowledge of