Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 2 June 2016 | Page 28

M a s s a g e

More About Massage

Our Experts Share Their Knowledge

Ask The Massage Gurus
Deep Tissue vs . Deep Pressure : What is the Difference ? by Jennifer Kerr , LMT
Deep Tissue Massage involves manipulation of the deep layers of muscle and fascia within the body . These are the muscles that provide the first line of structural integrity to the joints . Fascia is the membrane of collagen based connective tissue that surrounds the muscle . When the muscle is used in a way that stretches the fascia beyond it ' s normal tension and strength , this disrupts the muscle and fascia fibers . Instead of running in one smooth direction , the fascia fibers run in all directions and dimensions similar to a knotted piece of hair or a crumbled piece of paper . This in turn causes restrictions of movement and pain . The goal of deep tissue massage is to break up adhesions and correct structural imbalance to improve the symptoms of chronic pain and stiffness . It serves to increase mobility , flexibility and structural integrity . The techniques are used in a very slow and deliberate fashion which is meant to realign the soft tissues . The massage uses very little oil or cream and is more friction and compression based . Anyone with chronic pain , stiffness or a history of subsequent injuries would benefit from this type of treatment . Sometimes this kind of treatment can cause temporary soreness for a few days after treatment . When we work on the deep layers , we are bringing blood to the area through compression to nourish the muscle so that it can heal itself . Sometimes this results in minor bruising . This type of massage can feel painful in some spots but not excruciating . Always inform your therapist of tender or painful areas as well as notifying us immediately if the pressure has gone beyond your tolerance . Deep pressure is something entirely different . This term is used to convey a deeper effleurage and all around pressure during a Swedish massage . Effleurage is a long sweeping stroke that helps to improve circulation of blood and lymph and assist the body with flushing natural excess chemicals caused from muscle contractions such as lactic acid from the muscles . Some people cannot tolerate a deeper pressure massage such as this but some enjoy it . As much as this can be a personal preference , it can also help to : sedate the nervous system , reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisone in the body , support healthy immune function and assist the body with circulation problems by improving the flow of fluids throughout the body . As with any other massage , it ' s important for the massage therapist to be aware of your medical history so that you can both decide if these types of treatments would be of benefit to you without causing further injury .
Did You Know … by Susan Greenli LMT and Esthetician
Did you know that massage is a licensed health profession in New York State ? Those who practice without a license are endangering the well-being of those they are working on . Most have little to no understanding of basic anatomy and can cause soft tissue damage or worse . Sadly I have seen this first hand . The problem has come full circle , and in recent years many people have come to me with issues stemming from the work of untrained personnel . Here are the Facts A licensed massage therapist is trained in great depth in anatomy , physiology , neurology , myology and massage related pathology . We also go through rigorous hands-on training . After successfully graduating from school we must take and pass a written State Board Exam . Once we secure our license we must keep it current with continuing education classes . All of this ensures our clients wills receive the best , safest and most effective care possible . Some of the many benefits of Therapeutic Massage :
Ÿ Reduces stress , tension , anxiety and blood pressure
Ÿ Relieves chronic and acute pain
Ÿ Flushes the body of toxins
Ÿ Increases circulation and range of motion
Ÿ Boosts the immune system
Ÿ Provides an overall enhancement of well being
These benefits will greatly enhance your performance in the gym as well as in everyday activities , and fortunately , you don ' t have to look far to find an experienced , licensed massage therapist . Incentives Organic Spa & Salon is , of course , right inside Fitness Incentive . Why not drop in and say hello , pick up a menu of Spa and Salons services , and have a look around ? Find out what a difference it makes to receive a massage from a licensed therapist . You ' ll be happy you did . After all , you deserve it !
Have questions about massage you need answered ? Please submit your questions to incentivespa @ optonline . net . I look forward to answering your questions in our weekly newsletter , Insights from Incentives Spa .
Meet Our Newest Massage Therapist :
Dyian Steele
My path to this work that I love has been long and winding . I believe if we ( as both clients and therapists ) listen to the body , it will guide us through the healing
Dyian process . As a practitioner , I believe I must operate from a place of compassion and sincerity . To that end , I meet each client without judgment and with an intention for their greatest good . It is important to me that my clients feel comfortable , respected and heard . Clients can be confident that while in session I am fully present with them the entire time , focused on their healing and their comfort . My intention is to reduce chronic or acute pain , to reduce stress ( and hopefully future pain !), to support the immune system , the spirit and the body ' s innate desire to be healthy . Every session I offer is tailored to the individual client and every session is different .
My sessions mainly consist of Connective Tissue Therapy and Neuro-Muscular Therapy ( trigger point work ). At times I will incorporate traditional Swedish massage strokes into the session to support circulation and flush the tissue . I also use a technique called friction , at times coupled with the application of heat , to help break up scar tissue and bring the body back to comfort . Clients will also experience rocking and stretching in our sessions to support joint health and increase range of motion . My work is also influenced deeply by the principles of Shiatsu and energy healing modalities .
I look forward to working with you at Incentives !
Summer 2016 FIT to Print