Fit to Print Volume 23 Issue 4 December 2014 | Page 17

W ith Eileen's guidance and support, what was once a foggy-brained, low energy, how-am I-going-to-get-rid-of-this-extra-weight existence has become a happier, pro-active, energetic way of living life to its fullest. - Cathy Rende Silvana Gaskin Debbie Woltmann Christine Seidenberg & Tim Atz yet firm challenge. “The gym is conducting a contest...a fitness challenge. It may be something you want to consider.” And, of course, I at first came up with every excuse to explain why it was not my kind of thing. Two years later, with two contests under my belt, my world, and by extension my family's world, is awake to what it truly means to be healthy and fit. Eileen is a very effective trainer, but that is one side to a multi-dimensional, full-bodied approach she has with her clients. She is a motivator, a teacher, and a kind of therapist who supplies you with the tools and the confidence to say, “Hey, why not me?” Moreover, her training does not leave you with a sense of being unable to do it without her, but rather a determination that comes from realizing that you