Fit to Print Volume 23 Issue 4 December 2014 | Page 16

The Difference Makers... continued from page 5 Ronnie Demyen & Jim Cordova Cathy Rende & Eileen Jacinth Amy Llinas Lynch & Maddy K Joe Skorubski & Rob Ames perform to reach her goals were pretty intense. This worried me because she seemed like such a gentle and tenderhearted person, which indicated that she might have difficulty in generating the degree of intensity required for adequate muscle stimulation. My concerns were realized when I took her on the gym floor and noticed that this was indeed the case. To make matters worse, like many people that are new to fitness, she was intimidated by movements such as the dead lift and squat, which were the two most important exercises in her new routine. I remember watching Ronnie struggle with the dead lift while holding only 15lb dumbbells in her hands. On more than one occasion, I had to give her lengthy Tony Robbins-style motivational speeches just to convince her to progress to 20lb dumbbells, which was, from her perspective, analogous to lifting the back end of a car. I'm not going to lie. At times, I wondered how in the world we would ever reach her goal, given that it had taken over a year before we began to produce the type of intensity required to accelerate her progress. Nonetheless, I had hope because Ronnie possessed a healthy abundance of dedication and perseverance. Where is Ronnie at today? She warms-up with 50lb dumbbells in each hand for the dead lift. She can place an 80lb dumbbell in each hand and dead lift it nearly ten times! You can frequently find her performing barbell squats with 150 pounds for over ten reps, which is no small feat, especially given that she weighs only about 120 pounds. Sometimes I wonder if this woman has an 'S' on her chest. Of course, her physique is a glowing example of her hard work. She 16 has lost a great deal of body-fat resulting in a streamlined appearance, and all while displaying a level of muscle tone that is reminiscent of an Oxygen magazine model. I have really enjoyed working with Ronnie over the years, as I have watched her become a living demonstration of what can be achieved with a simplified regimen, hard work, patience, and relentless dedication. well. She is one of the fittest women at Fitness Incentive, squatting upwards of 200 pounds for reps and performing a dead lift approaching 300 pounds, all while weighing less than 130 pounds! Finally, Jennifer Sorice has been working with me for going on three years. It seems as if she gets stronger with every pound that she loses, currently dead lifting 100 pound dumbbells in each hand for eight reps! Jackie Tierney is another client of mine who began training over three years ago. She had never touched a weight before coming to see me. One of our goals was to have her perform calisthenic exercises such as bodyweight dips and pull-ups, all while completely avoiding the dreaded “bulky” appearance that so many women fear will happen as a result of resistance training. Today she can perform almost a dozen wide-grip bodyweight pull-ups and twenty-five bodyweight dips, which is simply beyond amazing! To top it off, Jackie appears more petite and toned with each passing year. How many men do you know that achieve the feats that these women are able to demonstrate on a regular basis? Don't feel bad if you don't know any because there aren't very many. If you do come across any that desire to reach the outstanding level of strength and fitness that the incredible women discussed throughout this article have achieved, feel free to send them my way for a consultation. In a short time, they too will be armed with both the insight and the passion that it takes to train like a girl! Truth be told, I could probably take up all of the space in this newsletter illustrating the amazing accomplishments that many of my female clients have attained. Debbie Woltmann has worked with me on a relatively consistent basis over the past five years. She can perform more pull-ups and dips than I can count, in addition to squatting and dead lifting enough weight to impress a world class powerlifter. She developed tremendous strength without any of the bulk, and possesses one of the lowest body fat levels of anyone in the gym. Silvana Gaskin has worked with me on and off for five years as Holidays 2014 FIT to Print Eileen Jacinth Cathy Rende: Up until about two years ago, I embraced the concept of "staying fit" and maintaining good health, but I came up short of actually embodying it. I was a regular fixture at FI…except during the summer because the kids' schedules came first…or the holidays when there was so much going on…or on weekends when it was my husband's turn to go, and I needed to stay home with the kids… In other words I wanted to be fit but wouldn't or couldn't actually devote the necessary time and effort to actually being fit. After all, fitness was a “luxury” since I did not work full time and there were other things that were more important than, well, my health or just me. Enter Eileen Jacinth and her quiet,