Fit to Print Volume 22, Issue 4 : December 2013 | Page 12

M e m b e r Pe r s p e c t i v e by Andrea Kay Yes, It Really Is 2014 Don’t Let Excuses Define Your Reality moving forward. 2. Stop making excuses. Oh, God. Did she just say that? Yes, I did. I said it because it's the single biggest thing we do to undermine ourselves. More likely than not, the excuses are more than viable. You're sick. You hurt yourself. A meteor hit your house. Whatever it is, just stop. Every single time you want to make an excuse as to 'why you can't,' think about what the real issue is. More likely than not, its fear of failure stopping you. Acknowledge it and keep moving The Battling Ropes of Power X S eriously, 2014, already? It's time to set New Year goals, right? Well you have to. I have to. We all have to because it's what we do at the start of a new year. We set goals. Fresh start and all of that good stuff… and it is good stuff. I'm not here to write about setting goals. I'm pretty sure you all know how to do that. Heck, I'm sure you've already set a few. I'm assuming you already have that part down. If not, I'll wait….. Ok, good. We're all on the same page. I'm just going to assume it's a fitness goal. If it's not, I'll wait…. Ok, perfect. Now we're REALLY all on the same page. Goal? Check. New winter gear for the gym? Check. Here are 5 things that I have learned over the past few years (I'm a slow study) that I hope will help keep you on track with your goals. 1. Get into a routine and stick to it. Keep it simple and doable. If it's coming to the gym 3 days a week or 5 days a week, just do it. Even if it means you come and spin on the bike for 5 minutes, walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes and stretch for 5 minutes. Just get there. If it's trying one new class a week, just do it. Walk into kickboxing proudly and do the best you can. Nobody else taking the class is paying attention to you. They're only worrying about themselves. I promise. If it's to stretch more, get into that front room and get a mat out and stretch! The first few weeks may seem uncomfortable because it's new, but it's called routine for a reason, and it will soon, well, you know, become routine. You probably won't see immediate results, just trust the process and keep 12 We all make excuses. Things happen that are just too big to ignore and we givein to the pity party. Plan for it and regain control over the situation. forward. You can address the fear another time. You're busy being amazing right now. 3. Plan for the excuses. What can I say, I'm a realist. We all make excuses. Things happen that are just too big to ignore and we give-in to the pity party. Plan for it and regain control over the situation. I've seen many people this year get injured training for milestone races. A marathon, a half marathon, a half Ironman… and injury derailed those plans. The ones that got through it most at peace were the ones that had a backup plan. Ok, the race for them may not have happened exactly as they pictured it in their heads, but they changed their perception, adapted and moved forward. One still went to Austin and supported his friends competing in the Half Ironman. Another ran the Diva 5k instead of her goal race of the Diva half-marathon and waited at the finish of the 13.1 to cheer on her friends finishing. The ones with the regrets Holidays 2013 FIT to Print were the ones that let their excuses define their reality and did nothing at all. Plan for the excuses. The gym ?[??] X[K??X?YX[??H?][?H\??[??] X[K??\??^Z[??Y?[?H]?H?[?Y?H[?\???[ [?Y?H] ?]?Y\?[?[?????\? ?? ??[?[?\?[?H[?]?H?[??B??[?]?\?H\????[K?Z?H??[??B?^\?[??X??Y[\?H]H[??X[\?X?[H?Z[?[????[?\??X[??X?K?]?I?H?]H[?] ???\?[?H?[??[?[???Y[?H\?\?H\?[?[?????Y][Y\?]YX[????[???^H?]?^B??^H?XZ?H]\[??]H?]??X?]\?H] ???] ??[???[???YK?Y??[?H???\??[?]H?[K[?H?[???X?H]H[?H]\?B????\?[?H\?K?[??Z\?[???[?Y?\?[? YX\?Y?\?YX\?\?B?H?\?]????]?]??Y[????YH??KH??Y[??Z[?H?\?]\?????? HYX\?? H????\??X?X?H[???????X?H?[??\?[?H?[??[??\?\??[?H????\??Y[?[H\????\?]H?[YH?X?X?K??HY????\??\? ??[?\?H]?\??YJH?[??[??[?H?]X?YY?H?\???[???YY]?\??H????[???YZ??HXYH]B??[???X\?\?[?\??X[????X]?\???X?X?H?]H[?[?[?????Z?[??\H??\][H KZ[JB???[?[?\????\??][??]\??^B?]Y?X??]H??H???[?\?B??[??[??H ? L??P?X\?]?[????[X?\??\?H\?H?\?[?H?]?\?H?\?Z?H[?K?Y?[?H]?[????[??[HY] ??]?[?\??\??[??B?[?\??X[???X]?\?[?][?\??[???]\?K??X]HH?[??H??H?]???Y[?H][?H?[?????X???[??]Y?X??] ?Y?]?\?[????[^B??Z[?[???YY\?I?H???\?x?)??Z]8?)??YB?]??)?H?\?X??]?XZ?H[?^?\?B?\?x?)?H??[Y\[?[?H???\? ??K???]?\?][??\???H?[?????Y][Y\?[?H]?H??Y??\?H]H??XX???H??[?[?I?]?H[?B??]?\??[?H]]X???Y]\???\?HX^H?Y[H?]H?[\K?]Z?HB??ZY I?HH????YK?I?HYH????\??[?????[??][??[?????[????\??^H??[?[?H\? ?[???H??[YKH?]?\????[?B??\???X?[]H??][??[H??]??\??[?[H][?\???]\?]?H?\?X?H??] ?????\??[??XX??H??[?H?]??^\?[?]?[?Y?H[???\?[?\??^X?H?]HY[??Y?]?\?? ?????[???X?\??\?[??[\?[?\?H?[??H^H\??\[??Y\[?8?)?[?H?Y\??Y] ?Y\[?[?????\? ???[??XH?^H\?H??[YH?HY[X?\??[??KP]]K???