Fishing Adventures Wales Spring 2015 | Page 16





Over the years Zig fishing has become more and more popular with fishermen ad carp anglers especially as it is a great way of presenting bait at the right depths where the fish are feeding. Not only does it give you good presentation but can also mimic natural baits such as Beatles flies, wasps and dragon flies floating in the water surfaces. As zig fishing has been developed over the years we have seen a release of some great new products and ideas from the companies including natural bugs that look like the natural food source of the fish and also attractants that give off the same sort of smell and attractant as a wasp would give if it fell into the water such as nectar and other oils. We have also watched companies develop products in order to make the zig fishing a bit more productive and stop fishermen loosing those crucial bites. One of these inventions was from Nash Baits where they introduced a simple piece of silicone just before the hook-link attaches to the swivel allowing for natural movement of the rig/bug so the fish don't detect the line until it is too late and already hooked. If you haven't given Zig fishing a try then you don't know what you are missing out on and I suggest you get into it as you will find in the spring you will end up catching and landing a lot more fish than usual.

As the fish are getting larger and some say they may even be getting more clever the reality of the matter is that they are not as clever as some people think they are but they do become crafty. Carp and Larger specimen fish have a built in sense of survival and they begin to recognise signals and situations that represent danger and this makes it even more important to get you rigs right, It is no good using a chod rig that hasn’t had the weight pinned down so that the hook isn't presented up in the water signalling the carp that there is a trap ahead. One company has taken it a just a little step closer to concealing the rigs completely. We have lots of different leaders and tubing that have been waited down to ensure it doesn't spook the fish but this is no good when your hook link, that is floating about in the water or even sticking up from the lake bed, showing the carp there is something there and scaring them away from the bait. You may as well give up before you start. Avid Carp has come out with a hook link that is so heavy it sits on the bottom of the lake or river perfectly minimising the risk of it moving up in the water or floating and even when the carp mess up the water and lake bed it sits straight back down re-setting you hook-link/trap. This pin down hook-link material should help to create many different rig options and hook link presentations.


Hook Link Materials - Pin Down

As mentioned in our feature on Page 6 & 7 there are not many baits that come on the market that you can honestly say are something special. Kevin Nash was one of the first anglers to make a huge splash into the bait market with a bait nick named the Purple Patch, now known as the Monster Squid Purple or Black. This bait was so good the fish couldn't resist it and due to that reason many an angler using the bait would end up catching a fish of their life time. Just as Nash did so has Mike Jones , again another member of the Nash team, he decided to come up with a bait that was based around the Red bull drink. As with the red bull drink if a person drank it it suddenly became more-ish and they had to have another. This is what mike wanted for his bait. When the carp tasted the Red Ball baits it was like an instant addictive reaction and the fish just couldn't get enough of them. After years of playing around with the ingredients and testing it on many waters around the country he finally came up with a product that can get you fish on the bank and as he says “Red Ball Gives You Fins”

The REDBALL Carp & Barble Baits