public works construction projects . In addition to counteracting systemic historical barriers to workforce development and participation , the Countywide PS / CBA aims to increase the availability of a skilled , local workforce .
As the point person for “ Disadvantaged Resident Apprentices ( DRAs )” engagement on PS / CBA projects , Danielle works closely with pre-apprenticeship programs such as those offered by the Rising Sun Center for Opportunity and the Cypress Mandela Training Center to help prepare and refer candidates to get hired for apprenticeships , as well as gain access to essential resources . In addition to direct outreach , she maintains a list of available DRAs to distribute to project managers and prime contractors , and produces a monthly newsletter . Danielle takes the time to get to know people to determine how best to assist in their journeys . While not all DRAs have a connection to the
“ Being placed can be a challenge and , depending on demand , can take a long time . You cannot be passive or timid – you must reach out consistently every single day .”
- Danielle Motley-Lewis justice system , she takes a “ whole-person ” approach to assist them with removing barriers and connecting to employment opportunities .
Recently , in conducting interviews with graduates from two local pre-apprenticeship training programs , Danielle noticed that one young man seemed reluctant to apprentice for a trade union , despite having done so well in the training program . When she encouraged him to share his thoughts and concerns , she learned that that while he enjoys working with his hands and loves construction , he also loves art and drawing and was afraid that he would have to sacrifice his artistic creativity when entering a trade . “ He was greatly encouraged when I explained that there are many ancillary trades that would allow him to do both ,” she remarks . After connecting with a female-owned glazing business that had recently reached out to her , Danielle invited the business owner to consider creating an internship and tasked the young man with putting together a portfolio of his artwork to see if his interests might match some of the business ’ needs .
Danielle ’ s advice for those interested in going into construction is to be patient and persistent . “ Being placed can be a challenge and , depending on demand , can take a long time . You cannot be passive or timid – you must reach out consistently every single day . This industry is very fast-paced , so you must take initiative . Stay active while you ’ re waiting and be ready to work . Once you are on the job , be open to learning and growing – while you may start out doing ground level or ‘ grunt work ’, do your best every day – seeing your work ethic and dedication , they will want to help you increase your skillset .”