First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 44
Products &
Superior Dust Control Solutions for the Mining Industry
Recognized as a world leader in quality and and ltration requirements are minimal. With (3.5-8kg/cm²)], 150 series [100-550 gpm (23-
innovation, Nelson Irrigation Corporation is completely sealed ball bearings and anodized, 150m³/h) at 50-120 psi (4-9kg/cm²)] and 200
focused on providing exceptional products - powder-coated, or stainless steel options, the series [250-1200 gpm (55-275m³/h) at 60-130
including Rotator® sprinklers, pressure Nelson Big Gun sprinkler is the preferred psi (4-9kg/cm²)].
regulators, control valves and Big Gun® choice for tough applications. Various
sprinklers - for agricultural and industrial trajectories and accessories are available for a
applications. variety of needs.
ese models are available as a (F) full circle
sprinkler (for 360º coverage) or (SR) part-circle
sprinkler (with adjustable stops to create an
Nelson products have a solid reputation due to a
Using Nelson Big Gun sprinklers in
arc). Since trajectory is very critical in mining
rigorous quality assurance program and the conjunction with Nelson 800 Series control applications these products are available in
c o mp a ny ' s e n d u r i n g c o m m i t m e nt t o valves and the TWIG™ control system different xed trajectories and an adjustable
workmanship and customer service. State-of- provides a complementary design that trajectory feature (100 and 150 series only).
the-art technologies, such as CNC machinery, uniquely improves efficiency and reliability. Alternatively, a simple 12º wedge kit can be
robotic welding, plastic injection molding and e 800 Series control valves have a eld- added to increase a given trajectory.
automated assembly, provide a consistently proven record of success operating under superior product. A dedicated R&D team works Nelson Big Gun sprinklers in many tough Long-life sprinklers
closely with the customer at all levels and environments, including mining dust No other large sprinkler has sealed ball
develops new products while also improving suppression, feedlot dust suppression and bearings. Most other large sprinklers use
existing products. Nelson products are waste water applications. In some situations bushings instead of bearings. e water from
supported worldwide by an experienced automation may be desired for maximum tailings from rock crushing contains aggressive
network of distributors and dealers.
control. Nelson's TWIG control system is particles that will cause accelerated wear in
simple, reliable, reduces labor requirements bushings and unprotected bearings. e Nelson
Field-proven sprinklers for mines and allows you to put the right amount of Big Guns use sealed ball bearings that provide a
Due to the rugged durability of the Nelson Big water where you need it most. much longer product life.
e original Big Gun sprinklers For some applications we recommend an
Gun sprinkler it has been used in the extreme
environs of mining, time and time again.
Nelson's Big Gun - the original Big Gun with e Nelson family of Big Gun sprinklers enhanced design that provides even more
over 40 years in the eld - is preferred because of includes the 75 series [30-160 gpm (6.8- protection. ese enhancements include a
the ability to move a large amount of water in a 36.30m³/h) at 25-80 psi (1.75-6kg/cm²)], 100 shroud over the lower bearing unit that
short time. e large nozzle is less likely to plug series [50-300 gpm (10-70m³/h) at 40-110 psi prevents water and deposits from accumulating
Sep - Oct 2017