durable linings .
Micro and micro- ne cement injection BASF Construction Chemicals ' Injection range includes micro-cement and micro- ne cement , which are used extensively for pre-grouting works prior to excavation .
Other products include the colloidal silica series , which offers excellent penetrability and has no detrimental environmental impacts ; and poly-urea-silicates ( PUS ) rapid setting twocomponent products , which can be used for ground consolidation , void lling and permanent repairs . �e poly-urea ( PU ) product range includes fastreacting resins that react with water to reduce in ow , and consolidate ground . Acrylate injection products are available in one and twocomponent varieties , and also exhibit good penetrability , forming a exible gel end product suitable for sealing structures prone to movement .
Mine back ll and tailings management Mine back ll products are available to facilitate the reduction of binder and water consumption , while increasing solids content and improving ow characteristics .
�e BASF approach to mine back ll is to thoroughly test material to determine whether the mix can be optimised . Savings can therefore be made through reduced binder content and early strength gain .
Close cooperation between BASF ' s technical team and the Mining Solutions divisions ensures that any proposals compliment to other products used within the system , with regards to mineralogy , mineral processing and tailings management
Spray applied liners �in-sprayed liners ( TSLs ) are applied to prevent further degradation of the rock strata , as well as the ingress of undesirable gases into the works .
Mechanised tunnel drives Tunnel boring machines ( TBMs ) use a variety of chemicals from the soil conditioning and abrasion reducing agents at the front of the cutter-head , greases for the bearings , and tailseals , as well as grouts for lling the gap between the excavated ground and the outer edge of the segment .
Workshops and technical support for the mining industry Technical support is provided by key experienced regional personnel , with additional support from the global technical team .
Industry workshops covering key technologies are held throughout the year . Injection events are held four times per annum at the underground test gallery in Hagerbach , Switzerland . Two sprayed concrete workshops are conducted at the same facility . Tailored events can also be arranged for speci c participant groups .
�e workshops are open to customers , and are used to illustrate the various products and demonstrate their application . �ey are held both on a regional and global level . TBM and mine back ll workshops are also held , usually at or near a site utilising those techniques .
BASF recognises that training is a key to ensure that employees maintain their professional and personal development . For select technologies BASF will make available online training modules , which are further supplemented by these workshops .
FMDZ | Sep - Oct 2017 | Page43