First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 40
Products &
Metso crusher drives up quarry input
e national drive to increase housing the production of 0-9 mm material and had collaboration between the onsite crew and our
production has given a welcome boost to the ramped up to maximum capacity in using the own technical staff has seen signi cant gains on
building industry and with it an upsurge in equipment at its disposal. As long-standing what were already ambitious expectations,” is
demand for raw materials, a case in point being Metso users they contacted us for advice and we how Scherf describes a remarkable exercise in
problem solution.
stone dust – an essential ingredient for the were able to identify where the substitution of a manufacture of bricks and concrete blocks. larger capacity Metso product would relieve what had become a bottleneck. is was e
Crushing and screening specialist Pilot achieved by the substitution of the existing equally impressive. e initial purchase price
nancial implications have also been
Crushtec International recently demonstrated crusher with a new Metso HP300 static cone has been offset by a substantial output of
the ability to assist a customer in signi cantly crusher, a purchase decision which has had a immediately saleable material as well as a direct
increasing output together with a concomitant very positive effect on the customer's business,” decrease in operating costs. e product it
and equally impressive reduction in operating says Scherf.
costs. As the southern African distributor of
Metso products, it was able to utilise its e net result is that the quarry has been able to
extensive equipment offering and technical increases its in-spec dust production output by
back-up to provide the required solution.
replaces is also not standing idle as it is working
well earning it's keep at another of the
customer's locations.
a reliable 50%, and in total terms its benchmark e current suite of Metso equipment
plant capacity by a remarkable 40%. is in providing world class performance at an
According to CEO Sandro Scherf, the customer itself has seen the quarry not only comfortably important quarry site consists of the following
– a major quarry owner with a network of meet customer expectations but also obviated equipment; Metso C100 Jaw Crusher with B
operations supplying producers country wide – the need for a planned additional shi to keep feeder, a Metso CVB1845 four deck screen, HP
had reached its maximum capacity threshold up with a swelling order book.
using its existing plant.
“Original expectations were that we would gain
“is particular plant con guration is used for
Sep - Oct 2017
200 static cone crusher, HP 300 static cone
crusher and CVB 1845 four deck screen with
an upli of around 30% in dust output, however
selective op gates.