First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 39
Endress+Hauser lab as a reference for the also calibrate used instruments that our uncertainty of measurements at our lab,
calibration of their master reference sensors. customers need to calibrate periodically for customers are assured that calibration results
“is means that other labs send their master their internal regulatory requirements,” says are as possible to the real deviation of the
temperature sensors to us to calibrate so that Mlangeni. instrument,” concludes Mlangeni.
calibrate their customers' units,” explains A standard three-point calibration takes For further information, please visit:
Mlangeni. approximately 2.5 hours depending on the type
they can use them as reference sensors to
of instrument, temperature range or number of
e Endress+Hauser Temperature Calibration
calibration points.
Laboratory was initially built to support
production, yet over the years it has expanded “ Te m p e r a t u r e
its offering to include re-calibrations, third calibration is a critical
party instruments and other laboratories' process to make certain
reference equipment. that an instrument
performs within set
“Normally we calibrate new instruments, which speci cations. Due to
are manufactured in our factory. However, we t h e v e r y l o w
[email protected]
May - Jun 2017