by its association with the spiritual science of anthroposophy
founded by Steiner, and in its emphasis on farming practices
intended to achieve balance between the physical and higher, non-
physical realms; to acknowledge the influence of cosmic and
terrestrial forces; and to enrich the farm, its products, and its
inhabitants with life energy. The original biodynamic includes
preparation (horn-manure) is made from cow manure (fermented
in a cow horn that is buried in the soil for six months through
autumn and winter) and is used as a soil spray to stimulate root
growth and humus formation. Another item horn-silicais made
from powdered quartz (packed inside a cow horn and buried in the
soil for six months through spring and summer) and applied as a
foliar spray to stimulate and regulate growth. The next six
preparations, BD 502−507, are used in making compost.
Biodynamics is a pseudo-science which is believed by most of the
people. Some attempts are there to relate it with scientifically
approved agriculture methods. No tillage, use of compost , crop
rotations and companion planting are useful techniques even in
Biodynamics . The result of improved agriculture in Biodynamic is
due to the use of these accepted techniques and we have to refute
the mysticism and unscientific methods from that.
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