First Magazine SCFCA APRIL | Page 25

Friends of Scientifica His researches contributed a lot to the design, development and usage of Radio Telescopes. Normal Telescopes make use of light sources where as the the Radio Telescope make use of micro wave rays from starts and galaxies and world's biggest telescopes belong to this category.The telescope erected by Dr.Govind Swaroop on a hill valley in Ootty is functioning well since last forty five years and generate lot of valuable information. One of the most important contribution of Dr.Swaroop is the huge telescope ( GMRT- Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope) established near Pune.This huge telescope designed for the high frequency radio waves is the biggest of the world of its kind.This telescope is built by spreading antennas with diameter of forty five metres in twenty five kilometres and this special telescope is been made use of by observers from different countries. Dr.Govind Swaroop was honoured with Bhatnagar award, Padma Shri and Homi Bhabha award as well as more than twenty other awards.The master in his late eighties is still contributing very much to the world through his service at the Radio Astronomy Centre as a Professor. April, 2016