First Magazine SCFCA APRIL | Page 24

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At the age of twnty three and after completing his studies in Kerala , he joined Tata Institute of Fundamental Research as a Scientist under the guidance of Jayanth Narlikar . He published his first article during his BSc Graduation Programme and further contributed eleven notable books and published more than three hundred research papers . Nation honoured this popular scientist , scientific writer and great speaker with Padma Shri , Bhatnagar Award and many other accolades . He won the first Infoys Award with gold medal and prize money of fifty five lakhs .
He is currently doing research in Cosmology , Gravitational force and Blackholes for Astronomy and Astrophysics of Pune .
Dr . Govinda Swaroop is a notable scientist in the observatory field of Astronomy . He was born in Uttarpradesh in 1929 and Post Graduated in Physics from University of Allahabad . Further he got his Doctorate from Stanford University of USA . He returned to India thereafter and continued his his further researches at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research .
April , 2016