First Magazine SCFCA APRIL | Page 20

Friends of Scientifica

million miles away , Watney must be already in stage of mentally broke down condition by now .
But , in reality , Watney fully healthy , continues his fight for survival . Using his entire knowledge energetically he pursue new ways of survival . He knows that the next mission reaching after four years will be landing near the Schiaparelli crater 3200 kilo meters away . Watney realized that the only way to return to earth is to reach at this spot by the time the next mission reaches , and he starts his efforts for it . He modified the little ‘ Rover ’, which has only limited facility , and readied it cable for a 50 day long journey . He dig out the radio isotope thermo electric generator from where it was buried and fitted in the ‘ Rover ’. He located the path finder , which was discarded in mars in strategic mars journey back in 1997 , and using it he enabled communication with the jet propulsion laboratory . Through which he set computers which enables easy communication . Watney declared to the world that he is not ready to die there . An explosion which destroyed a part of the hub resulting in potato farming as impossible and the failure of the supply mission become major setbacks . Though the information that Watney is alive was kept away from the returning astronauts , later forced to disclose it to them .
China came up with offer to help . Rich Purnell , a person of extra ordinary behavior and an expert in Astro dynamics presented a new idea . The spacecraft Hermes is to be returned to mars without landing . For this it has to increase its speed using earth ’ s gravitational force and with China ’ s help it has to be filed with necessary items while it is in space . Prior to Ares IV , from the base set at Schiaparelli , Watney can rise using the launching vehicle , and attach with Hermes . Though NASA discarded the idea siting danger , based on the secret information received , the Hermes crew continued their return journey on their own interest . The rest of the series of events were highly adventurous and exciting . The film ends
April , 2016