Friends of Scientifica
The storm settled down, immersed in sand on the calm reddish plains of
mars, Mark Watney opened his eyes, realizing with a shock that he is
alone. The iron rode which pierced through his suit to his stomach, was
preventing the pressure lose in his suit by sealing the hole with his
clotted blood. Watney returned to the hub in his camp for stay in mars to
start a new life.
The Hub was only equipped with very limited basic requirements and food
for very few days. Then it was hectic planning using his all knowledge to
hold his life as long as possible. Without losing hope, rejoicing himself,
keeping the mind energetic – with strong passion to survive - the spirit of
Watney really amazes us all. He does not know how to let the world know
that he is alive here. Even if NASA initiates efforts to rescue him, it will
take another four long years to reach the next Ares mission here. If the
oxi-generator and the water recliners system of the hub works without
any fault, and the hub is intact from any damage, then, for the big
question of how to find food for this long period of survival – Watney
April, 2016