First Magazine SCFCA APRIL | Page 15

Friends of Scientifica Wolfgang Pauli who discovered it in 1924. As per this theory, unlike particles which follow Bose-Einstein statistics and can attain same state of energy, any two electrons would not be able to achieve same quantum state. Fermi-Dirac statistics came to existence in 1926 for those particles which follow Pauli Exclusion Principle. Thus, basically there are two type of particles, those which follow Bose-Einstein statistics and those which follow Fermi-Dirac statistics. The particles of the first group were named Bosons and the latter, Fermions. These names were conferred by Pauli Dirac during a lecture in Paris in 1945. What is Higgs Boson? ‘Standard Model’ is the theoretical package which describes the basic structure of universe and was the result of many enthusiasts during the latter half of twentieth century. As per this model, all material particles get their mass due to Higgs Mechanism. During the first nano second immediately after Big Bang, universe was jumbled with different particles flying at the speed of light. No particles had any mass. These particles would attain mass only when they interacted with Higgs Field and thus evolved the universe in its present form. As per Higgs mechanism, quarks, electrons etc get their mass when they interact with Higgs field. The mass is directly proportional to the interaction. Light particles like Photons, because they do not interact with Higgs field, do not have any mass and hence travel at light velocity. The concept of Higgs mechanism was presented in the year 1964. Six researchers presented the theme in a similar way in three different research papers. One of these papers was presented by Francois Englert and Robert Brown. Another paper was prepared by Peter Higgs who was motivated from Philip Anderson. The third essay was by Gerald Guralnik, C.R. Hagen and Tom Kibble. Though all the six presented more or less the same theme, the mechanism they presented came to be known in Higgs name. Higgs Boson was the name given to the quantum particle which is related with the Higgs field in that theory which explains Higgs Mechanism. It is a force-carrier particle Hence it became a Boson. April, 2016