Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 51

observed. He shall cause the correction of any defects/deficiencies noted, when necessary. SECTION INSPECTION AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION A. After construction/ renovation/ modification or alteration and prior to the issuance of the occupancy permit by the Building Official, the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction shall inspect the premises and issue the necessary Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) upon determination that the required fire safety construction are in place, and fire protective and/or warning system are properly installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. B. Inspection procedure shall be as follows: 1. The process starts with the endorsement by the Building Official (BO) of the application for Occupancy Permit accompanied by a Certificate of Completion. The Customer Relation Officer or designated staff shall assess the Fire Code Fees and issue Order of Payment to be paid at the Cashier’s Office or the AGDB or AGSB of the BFP. After payment, the owner shall submit a copy of the Official Receipt to the Customer Relation Officer. The Customer Relation Officer shall then assign an application control number on the endorsement/application and prepare an Inspection Order. 2. The prepared Inspection Order will be forwarded to Chief, FSES for signing and recommendation. 3. The Chief, FSES will endorse the said Inspection Order including the name of assigned FSI to the City/Municipal Fire Marshall having jurisdiction for approval and signature. The Inspection Order will then be given back to the Record Section for the assignment of a control number and dispatch to assigned FSI. 4. The FSI shall conduct final inspection in the establishment applying for Occupancy Permit then shall prepare an After Inspection Report (AIR) using the Classified Standard Checklist. 5. The FSI will prepare a report of recommendation (FSIC or Notice of Disapproval (NOD)), which shall be submitted to the Chief, FSES. The FSI will prepare the FSIC, to be signed by Chief, FSES if said establishment has substantially complied with the provisions of the Fire Code of the Philippines. Otherwise, the FSI shall prepare NOD. 6. The Chief, FSES will evaluate and recommend final action, which is subject to the approval of the City/Municipal Fire Marshall having jurisdiction. 35