Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 45

RULE 7. ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT TO THE BFP DIVISION 1. POLICE AND OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT SECTION FROM PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Upon request, the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall render necessary assistance to the Chief, BFP or his duly authorized representative on the following actions: A. During actual fire fighting operations and fire scene investigations; B. Business closure and summary abatement proceedings; C. Installation of signs that the building/structure is a fire hazard and/or fire trap; D. Obstruction of designated fire lanes and fire hydrants; E. Apprehension of violators/persons removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating warning signs and similar abatement appurtenances; and F. Such other duties and functions of the BFP which would essentially require police assistance. SECTION FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS Local Government Units (LGU) and other government agencies shall render necessary assistance on the following duties of the BFP: A. Strict observance of the requirement of fire safety measures for the issuance of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) as a pre-requisite in the grant of and renewal of business, occupancy and other related permits/licenses. For this purpose, the LGU and/or other government agencies concerned shall refrain from issuing such licenses and/or permits without the applicant first securing an FSIC from the BFP; B. Organization and training of fire brigades in all barangays in partnership with BFP to serve as first responders; C. In summary abatements, closure and/or stoppage of operation of buildings/structures or portions thereof; and D. Such other duties and functions of the BFP which would essentially require their assistance. 29