Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 44

SECTION ASSISTANCE IN TRAINING PROGRAMS The BFP shall assist in setting up a training program for the fire brigade and fire volunteer organization. Members of the fire brigade and fire volunteer organization shall be afforded opportunities to improve their knowledge on fire prevention and suppression through attendance in seminars and special training classes. SECTION IDENTIFICATION Members of the volunteer fire brigade organization shall wear proper identification cards duly signed by the head of their organization and authenticated by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction over the area. DIVISION 4. COMMAND, EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND FIRE DRILLS SECTION PRACTICE DRILLS Practice drills shall be held to check the ability of members to perform the operations they are expected to carry out. Drills shall be occasionally held under adverse weather conditions to work on special procedures needed under such circumstances. SECTION OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT In practice drills, all available equipment, devices and tools for fire suppression and medical and rescue operation must be operated. SECTION REACTIVATION OF EQUIPMENT At the conclusion of a practice drill, equipment shall be made readily available to respond to a fire call. SECTION INSPECTION AND SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE WORK Inspection and maintenance of fire equipment, both fixed and portable, may be assigned to individual members of the fire brigade. However, the Fire Brigade Chief must establish the necessary schedules for such work, and assign these duties to specific personnel and ensure that these inspection and maintenance operations are carried out and reported. SECTION COMMAND AT FIRE SCENE During firefighting operations, the fire brigades and fire volunteer organizations shall be under the direct operational control of the fire ground commanders of the BFP. 28