Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 443

D. In communities where no public water supply is available, a water well or any other devices with water impounding capability shall be provided. SECTION FIRE LANE The BFP is authorized to direct installation of fire lanes, signages or other approved notices for emergency use in coordination with concerned government agencies. A. Requirements 1. Curb top and side shall be painted red and the words "FIRE LANE" shall be stenciled on the top and side of all red curbs at a maximum interval of 50 feet. Letters shall be three inches (3") in height with a minimum 3/4-inch in stroke. 2. Outlining or painting the fire lane area in red with the words "FIRE LANE" in white, at intervals of not more than 50 feet or as otherwise directed by the BFP. Size of lettering shall be not less than 24 inches in height and three inches (3") in stroke. B. Enforcement The enforcement of fire lanes shall be the responsibility of the BFP in coordination with the LGU and other concerned government agencies. RULE 11. PROHIBITED ACTS SECTION PROHIBITED ACTS AND OMISSIONS The following are declared as prohibited acts and omissions: A. Obstructing or blocking the exit ways or across to buildings clearly marked for fire safety purposes, such as but not limited to aisles in interior rooms, any part of stairways, hallways, corridors, vestibules, balconies or bridges leading to a stairway or exit of any kind, or tolerating or allowing said violations; B. Constructing gates, entrances and walkways to building components and yards, and temporary or permanent structures on public ways, which obstruct the orderly and easy passage of fire fighting vehicles and equipment; 427