Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 442

SECTION OPEN FLAME DEVICES IN PORTS/WHARVES A. No person shall use any open flame device for maintenance or repair on any boat, ship or wharf without a permit from the Philippine Coast Guard and/or the Philippine Port Authority. B. No person shall use any portable barbecue, brazier or cooking device on any boat, ship or wharf without a permit from the Philippine Coast Guard and/or the Philippine Port Authority. C. Any open flame device used for lighting or decoration on the exterior of any boat, ship or wharf must be approved by the Philippine Coast Guard and/or the Philippine Port Authority. SECTION VACATING PREMISES Upon vacating or abandoning any premise, the occupant thereof shall remove any and all noxious and hazardous material or waste matter which has been deposited, allowed to come to rest, or permitted to accumulate thereon, and such premises shall be left in clean and neat condition. SECTION VACANT BUILDINGS Every person owning, or in charge or control of, any vacant building shall remove therefrom all accumulation of flammable or combustible waste or rubbish and shall securely lock, barricade, or otherwise secure all doors, windows and other openings thereof. DIVISION 7. URBAN AND RURAL PRE-FIRE PLANNING SECTION HYDRANT A. Project developers or owners of housing projects shall provide a hydrant system and develop the source of water used for the purpose of providing adequate water supply for fire suppression use on both economic and socialized housing in connection with this Code. B. Local Government Units (LGUs) in coordination with the BFP shall provide each community with fire hydrants and cisterns or elevated tanks that will suffice the requirement pertaining to provision of water for fire fighting operation. C. All reservoir or water tanks must provide a 20% fire reserve over and above the Average Daily Demand Supply (ADDS). 426