Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 431
applicable, in buildings or structures located at treatment plants based on
manufacturer’s instructions and/or internationally accepted standards,
subject to the evaluation and approval of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal
having jurisdiction.
1. Chemical wetting agents, ionized water mists, and foam extinguishing
systems effectiveness shall be considered or used for wet wells, grit and
screening processes, primary clarifiers, and pits and tanks where
floating flammable liquid may collect on the surface.
2. Clean agents, ionized water mists, inert gas suppressants, and carbon
dioxide extinguishing systems effectiveness shall be considered or used
where electronics and computer equipment are located.
3. Clean agent, ionized water mists, carbon dioxide, and dry chemical
extinguishing systems shall be considered or used in chemical storage
areas, underground tunnels or structures, or where electrical hazard is
a principal concern and where water damage would seriously impair
the integrity of the treatment plant.
C. Standpipes and Hydrants. Standpipes, hose streams, and hydrants shall be
provided where appropriate in buildings or structures located at
treatment plants in accordance with Section of this IRR and/or
other internationally accepted standards, subject to the evaluation and
approval of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction.
D. Fire Suppression Supply Systems
1. Water supplies shall be capable of delivering the total demand of
sprinklers, hose streams, foam and other chemical systems in
accordance with Sections and of this IRR.
2. In areas where there is no public water supply or where the public
water supply is inadequate, treatment plant effluent or recycled water
shall be used for fire protection.
3. In cases when the plant water system is used as the principal source for
fire protection, the system shall be capable of providing an adequate
quantity and pressure, and have sufficient standby capacity to meet
all fire water flow requirements. If the plant water system is used as
back up to public water supply, the system shall provide easy access
and connections for pumper equipment or fire fighting apparatus.
4. When fire pumps are the source of supply used in the plant water
system, multiple pumps with sufficient capacity to meet fire flow
requirements, even with the largest pump out of service shall be
provided. Pumps used shall be automatic starting with manual
shutdown or mechanical equipment.