Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 428

containing the used water or waste water exposed to atmosphere, the temperature of used water or waste water, the ambient air temperature, and the vaporization rate of the volatile liquid. Allowance shall be made for vaporization of volatile liquid from the free water surface in connecting sewers within a reasonable distance from the structure, turbulence that may accelerate vaporization of the volatile liquid, inefficiency of the ventilation system in purging the enclosures, and any other factors that the designer could reasonably expect to effect the rate of release of the flammable vapour to the structure. C. Ventilation rate shall conform to Table 33 which presents typical ventilation rates for various areas in the treatment plants or shall be based on actual calculations whichever is greater. In reference to the said table, the following notes shall be considered: 1. The superscript (1) - prescribed the installation of combustible gas detector and alarm system to monitor and provide warnings for the explosive level of the confined combustible vapors. 2. The ventilation rates prescribed above are considered to be the minimum necessary for protection against combustible vapors. 3. Ventilation rates shall be increased above those recommended if unusual accumulations of volatile combustible liquid or combustible vapors are expected or if toxic gases may be present. Table 33: MINIMUM VENTILATION RATES IN WATER AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS Description Ventilation Rates Wet wells, screen rooms, and other enclosed spaces with used water or waste water exposed to atmosphere (1) Rooms or spaces intended for storage or conveyance of used water or waste water solids, (e.g., grits, sludge, hardened or cakes of fats and grease, etc.) Equipment rooms, tunnels, and other below grade spaces. • With gas piping and/or gas handling equipment (1) • With diesel fuel or other volatile combustible liquid tanks, pumps and supply piping (1) Without gas piping 412 15 air changes per hour 12 air changes per hour 12 air changes per hour or 40 km/min velocity in tunnels or galleries 10 air changes per hour or 27 km/min velocity in tunnels or galleries