Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 422

SECTION SAFE GUARDING DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Temporary offices and sheds Construction of temporary office trailers, sheds, and other related facilities or structures for storage of tools and materials when located within the building, on the sidewalk, or within nine meters (9 m) from the building shall be of non-combustible materials. When located more than nine meters (9 m) from the building and constructed of combustible materials, it is desirable to separate them into small detached units. B. Temporary enclosures Only non-combustible panels, flame resistant tarpaulin or other acceptable materials of equivalent fire retardant characteristics shall be used to enclose structures temporarily. The enclosing material shall be fastened securely or guarded by construction so it cannot be blown against sources of ignition by the wind. C. Scaffolding, shoring and forms Unnecessary accumulations of combustible forms or form lumber shall be prohibited. Combustible forms or form lumber shall be brought into the structure only if needed and shall be removed as soon as stripping is complete. Those portions of the structures where combustible forms are present shall not be used for the storage of other combustible building materials. D. Construction equipment 1. Internal combustion engines and associated equipment, such as air compressors, hoists, derricks, pumps, and similar devices, shall be so located that the exhausts will discharge well away from combustible materials. Where the exhausts are piped to outside the structure under construction, alteration, or demolition, a clearance of at least twenty three centimeters (23 cm) shall be maintained between such piping and combustible material. 2. Internal combustion equipment shall be shut down and allowed to cool sufficiently prior to refueling. Suitable fire extinguishers shall be provided on manned construction equipment utilizing fuel. 3. Service areas for construction equipment shall not be located within structures under construction. 4. Fuel for internal combustion engines shall not be stored within structures under construction. 406