Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 421

2. Calcium carbide in excess of two hundred seventy three kilograms (273 kg) shall not be stored in a building containing other occupancy unless in acetylene generator room or compartment, in a one-storey building without a cellar or basement underneath the carbide storage section. Such rooms shall be constructed to have a fire-resistance rating of not less than one (1) hour, with opening to other parts of the building protected be approved self-closing fire doors or stationary wired glass windows in approved metal frame. The room or compartments may also be used for storage of fuel gas cylinders, but not oxygen. Adequate ventilation shall be provided. Metal tools shall not be located in the calcium carbide storage room. 3. Calcium Carbide in excess of two thousand two hundred seventy three kilograms (2,273 kg) shall be stored in one-storey buildings without cellar or basement and used for no other purpose except the storage of fuel gas cylinders, or in outside acetylene generator houses. Location of such storage buildings shall be outside congested mercantile and manufacturing districts. If the storage building is of non-combustible construction, it may adjoin other one-storey buildings if separated therefrom by unpierced firewalls. If detached, less than three meters (3 m) from such building, there shall be no opening in any of the mutually exposing side of such buildings within three meters (3 m). If the storage building is of combustible construction it shall not be within six meters (6 m) of any other one- or two-storey building, and at least within nine meters (9 m) of any other building exceeding two storeys. 4. Calcium carbide in unopened metal containers may be stored outdoors upon examination that they in good condition. Periodic reexaminations should be made to check for rusting or other damage to a container that might affect its water or air tightness. DIVISION 18. SAFEGUARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, DEMOLITION AND ALTERATION OPERATIONS SECTION FIRE SAFETY PROGRAM A. An overall construction, alteration, or demolition fire safety program shall be developed, administered and enforced by the owner during the said operations. B. The building owner shall designate a safety officer representing the contractor or builder in charge of fire protection and safety program of the building under construction, alteration or demolition. His responsibilities shall include maintenance and location of automatic fire suppression systems and protective equipment, general supervision of safeguards, and the establishment and maintenance of safe cutting and welding operations. 405