Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 412

responsibility for establishing an inspection, testing and maintenance program that ensures the equipment is in working order shall be of the user. 2. When the original equipment manufacturer no longer exists, plant personnel shall develop adequate operational checks and maintenance procedures. 3. An operational maintenance checklist shall be maintained and is essential to the safe operation of the equipment. 4. Foreign material, parts, and residue shall be removed from the recirculation blowers, exhaust blowers, heat exchangers, burner and pilot ports, combustion blowers, ductwork and equipment interiors. Ductwork shall be checked for obstructions. 5. It shall be the user’s responsibility to prevent the flammable loading from exceeding the safety ventilation design capacity of the oven. 6. The operating and supervisory control equipment of each oven shall be checked and tested regularly, preferably once a week. At less frequent intervals, a more comprehensive test and check must be performed by an expert. 7. All deficiencies must be corrected promptly, and a regular cleaning program must be followed to cover all portions of the oven and its attachments. Access openings for cleaning the oven enclosure and the connecting ducts must be provided. 8. The program for inspecting and maintaining oven safety controls shall be in accordance with the NFPA Standards for Ovens and Furnaces. B. Safety Controls 1. Safety controls shall be sufficient in number and substantially constructed and arranged to maintain the required conditions of safety and prevent the development of fire and explosion hazards. 2. Ventilation controls, suitably interlocked, shall be provided which will insure required ventilation of the system. 3. Fuel safety controls, suitably interlocked and arranged to minimized the possibility of dangerous accumulations of explosives air-fuel mixture in the heating systems, shall be provided. 4. Excess temperature controls shall be provided to maintain a safe operating temperature within the oven. 5. Conveyor interlocks shall be provided in conveyor ovens having a 396