Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 411

B. Ventilation 1. Ovens, where flammable or toxic vapors are liberated, or through which products or combustion are circulated shall be ventilated by the introduction of a supply of fresh air and the proper exhaust to the outdoors. Discharge pipes shall not terminate within three meters (3 m) measured horizontally, from any door window or wood frame wall of any building. Such oven ventilation shall be arranged to provide vigorous and well distributed air circulation within the oven to insure that the flammable vapor concentration will be safely below the lower explosive limit at all times. Unless the oven is operated in accordance with specific approval specifying particular solvents and rate of ventilation, the rate of ventilation shall not be less than seventy five cubic meters (75 m 3 ) of fresh air per liter of solvent evaporated in continuous process ovens, and not less than three cubic meters (3 m 3 ) per minute per liter of flammable solvent evaporated in batch process ovens. 2. Exhaust duct openings shall be located in the area of greatest con- centration or vapors. 3. All exhaust shall be by mechanical means using power driven fans. SECTION OPERATION A. Operators Training 1. Operator training shall include information on: (1) combustion of air- fuel mixtures, (2) explosion hazards, (3) sources of ignition and ignition temperature, (4) atmosphere analysis, (5) handling of flammable and toxic atmosphere gases, (6) functions of control of safety devices, and (7) purpose and basic principles of the gas atmosphere generators. 2. Regular operators shall be retrained at intervals to maintain proficiency and effectiveness. New operators shall be thoroughly trained and tested in the use of equipment. Operators must have access to operating instructions at all times. 3. Operating instructions shall be provided by the manufacturer. These instructions shall include schematic piping and wiring diagrams as well as light-up, shut-down, emergency and maintenance procedures. SECTION PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE A. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance 1. The equipment manufacturer shall inform the user regarding the need for operational checks and maintenance and shall provide complete and clear inspection, testing and maintenance instructions. The final 395