Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 407
equivalent wording.
7. Spilled nitrocellulose shall be cleaned up immediately. Material that
has dried or is suspected of having dried shall be wet with water or
solvent and placed in a covered metal container and be disposed of
8. This storage of organic peroxides shall be in accordance with Section of this IRR.
9. The size of the package containing the organic peroxide shall be
selected so that as nearly as practical, full packages are utilized at
one time. Any peroxide spilled shall be promptly cleaned up and
disposed of as recommended by the supplier.
B. Process Mills, Mixers, and Kettles
1. Mills operating with close clearances and used for the processing of
flammable and heat sensitive materials such as nitrocellulose, shall be
located in a detached building or in a non-combustible structure
without other occupancy. The amount of nitrocellulose or other
flammable material brought into the area shall be no more than that
required for a batch.
2. Mixers shall be of the enclosed type, or if the open type shall be
provided with properly fitted covers. Where flow is by gravity, a shut
off valve shall be installed as closed as practical to the mixer and a
control valve shall be provided near the end of the (fire) fill pipe.
3. Open kettle shall be located in an outside area, provided with a
protective roof or in a separate building of non-combustible
construction or separated from other areas by means of a non-
combustible wall or partition having a fire resistance rating of two (2)
4. The vaporizer section of heat-transfer system heating closed kettles
containing solvents shall be remotely located. Contact-heated kettles
containing solvents shall be equipped with safety devices that in case
of fire can turn the process heat off, turn the cooling medium on, and
inject inert gas into the kettle.
5. The kettle and thin-down tank shall be instrumented, controlled and
interlocked so that any failure of the controls will result in a safe
condition. The kettle shall be provided with a pressure rupture disc in
addition to the primary vent. The vent piping from the ruptured disc
shall be of a minimum length and shall discharge to a safe location.
The thin-down tank shall be adequately vented. Thinning operations
shall be provided with a vapor removal system capable of ensuring a
safe atmosphere.