Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 396

DIVISION 13. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION SECTION CONSTRUCTION A. Every motion picture projection equipment, except those portable types, shall be kept securely fastened to a stable surface. B. Electrical wiring installation and location of associated electrical equipment and emergency systems/devices shall conform to the Philippine Electrical Code. C. Every projection booth shall be of not less than one (1)-hour fire resistive construction throughout and the walls and ceiling shall be finished with incombustible materials. The ceiling shall be not less than two and four tenths meters (2.40 m) from the finished floor. The room shall have floor area of not less than seven square meters (7 m 2 ) and three and a half square meters (3.5 m 2 ) for each additional machine. D. Every motion picture projection equipment, regardless of the type of film used, shall be enclosed in a motion picture projection room as provided in para ā€œCā€ of this Section. E. No person shall handle, store, use, test, repair, duplicate, transport or destruct nitrate-based motion picture film without clearance, health and safety training and proper monitoring from the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. SECTION OPERATION A. Processes like splicing, cleaning, repairing, cataloging and marking shall be done in projection rooms only. B. No person shall smoke or maintain any other source of ignition within any projection room; nor shall a manager or projectionist allow any person to smoke or to maintain any other source of ignition within said room. SECTION PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE A. As a prerequisite for the issuance of FSIC, projectionists/operators shall undergo the required fire safety orientation/seminar to be conducted by the BFP. B. In every projection room there shall be installed at least two (2) approved first aid fire protection appliances of Class ABC type. C. The operator or any occupant shall, at all times, observe good housekeeping of the projection room. 380