Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 395

B. Ammonia Diffusion Systems 1. Ammonia refrigerating plants containing more than thirteen and one half kilograms (13.5 kg) of refrigerant shall be equipped with facilities for diffusing the ammonia vapors. 2. Systems containing more than thirteen and one half kilograms (13.5 kg) of refrigerant shall be discharged to the outside of the building at least sixty one centimeters (61 cm) above the roof and so located that discharged refrigerants will not cause discomfort or harmful effects to persons or such discharge shall be directed into a tank of fresh water having a capacity of eight and a half liters (8.5 ℓ) for each kilogram of refrigerant and used for no other than ammonia absorption. 3. Systems containing more than forty-five kilograms (45 kg) of refrigerant shall be provided with an approved diffuser consisting of sixty-three and one half millimeters (63.5 mm) hose connections, mixing chamber and a permanent discharge connection to the sewer or drainage system. 4. Control valves for diffusers shall be outside of the machinery room in a box protected against tampering. Such valve control box shall be plainly marked “FOR FIRE SERVICE USE ONLY – AMMONIA CONTROL VALVES.” SECTION PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE A. All refrigeration equipments shall be kept clean, free from accumulations of oil, dirt, waste and other debris, and shall be easily accessible at all times and shall undergo preventive maintenance program. B. Each refrigerating system shall be provided with a legible metal sign permanently attached and easily noticeable, indicating thereon the name and address of the manufacturer or installer, the kind and total number of kilograms (pounds) of refrigerant contained in the system, and the field test pressure applied. C. Systems containing more than forty-five kilograms (45 kg) of refrigerant shall be provided with signs having letters not less than one and one fourth centimeters (1.25 cm) in height designating the main shut-off-valves to each vessel, main steam or electrical control, remote control switch and pressure limiting device. D. Valve control box shall be plainly marked “FOR FIRE SERVICE USE ONLY – REFRIGERANT CONTROL VALVES.” E. No person shall be allowed to use any ozone depleting refrigerants in any mechanical refrigeration system. 379