Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 389

3. All repair garages that exceed a height of fifteen and two tenths meters (15.2 m), have parking levels below grade, or are unsprinklered and more than one (1) storey in height shall be provided with one or more standpipes conforming to the provisions Section B. Housekeeping 1. An authorized employee/ officer of the firm, or the owner shall make daily inspections of the garage and shall be responsible for the prompt removal or repair of any hazardous condition, including proper maintenance of equipment and safety devices and the immediate removal of accumulations of combustible materials. 2. Clear aisle space shall be maintained to permit ready access to and the use of fire-fighting equipment. 3. The contents of oil separators and traps of floor drainage systems shall be collected at sufficiently frequent intervals to prevent oil from being carried into the sewers. 4. Floors shall be kept clean and free of oil and grease. Only approved water solutions or detergents, floor-sweeping compounds, and grease absorbents shall be used for cleaning floors. 5. Metal lockers shall be provided for employees’ clothes. 6. Approved metal receptacles with self-closing covers shall be provided for the storage or disposal of oil-soaked waste or clothes. 7. Combustible rubbish shall be placed in covered metal receptacles until removed to a safe place for disposal. Contents of such containers shall be removed daily. 8. “NO SMOKING” signage’s shall be conspicuously posted on hazardous areas in accordance to Division 3, Chapter 5, Rule 10 of this IRR. DIVISION 11. LUMBER YARDS, WOOD PROCESSING AND WOODWORKING FACILITIES SECTION CONSTRUCTION A. Open Yard Storage 1. Driveways between and around lumber piles shall be at least four and a half meters (4.5 m) wide and maintained free from the accumulation of rubbish, equipment or other articles or materials. Driveways shall be so spaced that a maximum grid system unit of fifteen meters (15 m) by forty-five meters (45 m) is produced. 373