Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 385

3. Fumigants or insecticides, as well as thermal devices, to be used; 4. Person(s) responsible for the operation; and 5. Date and time of operation C. Notice of any fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging shall be served at least one (1) day to the occupants involved in the premises to give them sufficient time for evacuation or appropriate preparation for the operation. SECTION SOURCES OF IGNITION A. All fires, open flames and similar sources of ignition shall not be allowed in spaces under fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging. Heating, if needed, shall be done by indirect means with steam or hot water. B. Electricity shall be shut off during operations, except where circulating fans are used. Such equipment shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code. SECTION WATCH PERSONNEL A. During operation, the premises shall be sealed to keep the fumigant suspended in the air. The owner/building administrator shall be responsible for the supervision of the operation. Indoor fogging operations shall be supervised within three (3) to five (5) hours from the time the premises are fumigated/fogged until all ventilation work is completed. B. For outdoor operations, the requesting party shall be the one responsible for the supervision. SECTION SEALING OF BUILDING Depending on the construction of the building, doors, windows, and all crevices, cracks or openings in the building, or portion thereof, to be fumigated, except the exit, shall be sealed with tape and plastic sheet before fumigation materials are applied. In case of houses, a rubber tent shall be placed over the entire house to confine the poisonous gases or prevent them from escaping. Irrespective of the type of fumigant employed, paper or other similar non-fire retardant materials used as sealing or cover materials for buildings, except for approved tarpaulins, in excess of that required is prohibited. SECTION WARNING SIGNS Whenever fumigants are used or stored, conspicuous warning signs bearing the “skull and crossbones” emblem with the words “DANGER, POISON GAS! KEEP OUT!” shall be posted on all doors and entrances to the premises and 369