Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 378

3. Adequate booths, fencing, railing, or guards shall be placed around the equipment so that, by either their location or character, or both, they assure that a safe isolation of the process is maintained from plant storage or personnel. Such railings, fencing, and guards shall be of conductive material, adequately grounded, and shall be at least one and a half meters (1.5 m) from processing equipment. 4. Electrodes and electrostatic atomizing heads shall be adequately supported in permanent locations, and shall be effectively insulated from the ground. Electrodes and electrostatic atomizing heads which are permanently attached to their bases, supports, or reciprocators, shall be deemed to comply with this Section. Insulators shall be non- ferrous and non-combustible. 5. High-voltage leads to electrodes shall be properly insulated and protected from mechanical injury or exposure to destructive chemicals. Electrostatic atomizing heads and any exposed elements shall be effectively guarded against accidental contact or grounding. Automatic means shall be provided for grounding the electrode system when it is electrically de-energized for any reason. B. Operation 1. Electrostatic apparatus and devices used in connection with paint spraying and paint detearing operations shall be of a type conforming to internationally approved standards. 2. Transformers, power packs, control apparatus, and all other electric portions of the equipment, shall be located outside of the spraying or vapor areas, and shall conform to the requirements of the other provisions of this IRR. C. Protection and Maintenance 1. Designate the process zone as dangerous with regard to fire and accident. 2. Signs designating the process zone as dangerous because of fire and accident hazards shall be conspicuously posted. 3. Identify the grounding requirements for all electrically conductive objects in the spray are, including persons. 4. Restrict access to qualified personnel only. 5. All insulators shall be kept clean and dry. 6. Drip plates and screens subject to paint deposits shall be removed and taken to a safe place for cleaning. 7. The spraying area shall be adequately ventilated. 362