Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 363

SECTION DISPOSAL OF UNFIRED FIREWORKS Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display is concluded shall be immediately disposed properly. DIVISION 7. APPLICATION OF FLAMMABLE FINISHES SECTION FIRE SAFETY CLEARANCE A Fire Safety Clearance from the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction shall be issued for spraying and dipping operations utilizing flammable liquid, and powders included within the scope of this IRR. SECTION SPRAY FINISHING OPERATION OR PROCESSES A. Construction 1. Electric wiring and equipment shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Philippine Electric Code. 2. Spray finishing operations shall not be conducted in buildings classified and used for assembly, educational, health care or residential occupancies except in a room-designed for the purpose, protected with an approved automatic fire control and extinguishing system and separated vertically and horizontally from other areas. 3. In other occupancies, all spraying operations performed inside a building shall be conducted in an approved spray booth, spray room or in spraying areas approved for such use. 4. Spray booths shall be substantially constructed of steel not less than one and two-tenths millimeters (1.2 mm) in thickness, securely and rigidly supported, or of concrete masonry except for aluminum or other approved substantial noncombustible materials, which may be used for intermittent or low volume spraying. 5. The interior surfaces of spray booths shall be smooth, continuous without edges and otherwise designed to prevent pocketing of residue and facilitate ventilation, cleaning, and washing without injury. Spray booths shall be designed to allow the free passage of exhaust air from all parts of the interior as well as to sweep air currents toward the exhaust outlet. 6. The floor of the spray booth and operator's working area shall be non- combustible, non-sparking material of such character as to facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of residue. 7. Distribution or baffle plates, if installed to promote an even flow of air through the booth or cause the deposits of overspray before it enters 347