Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 352

SECTION POISONOUS GASES A. Storage of poisonous gases shall be in rooms of at least one-hour fire- resistive construction and having natural or mechanical ventilation adequate to remove leaking gas. Such ventilation shall not discharge to a point where gases may endanger any person. B. Readily legible warning signs and placards as prescribed in this Rule shall be prominently placed in the transport, storage and processing area. SECTION CORROSIVE LIQUIDS A. Satisfactory provision shall be made for containing and neutralizing or safely flushing away leakage of corrosive liquids which may occur during storage or handling. B. Readily legible warning signs and placards as prescribed in this Rule shall be prominently placed in the transport, storage and processing area. SECTION STORAGE CABINETS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. Cabinets for the storage of hazardous materials shall be approved and substantially constructed of one-eighth (1/8) centimeters thick sheet iron or a minimum of two hundred fifty four millimeters (254 mm) plywood or equivalent. B. Doors shall be self-closing and self-latching. C. Cabinets shall be painted with luminescent type paint and shall be conspicuously labeled in red letters: "Hazardous - Keep Fire Away." SECTION DESIGNATION OF CARGO A. No person shall operate any tank vehicle transporting any corrosive cryogenic, hypergolic, or phyrophoric materials unless at all time of such transportation there is displayed upon each side and the rear of the tank vehicle a sign in letter not less than seven hundred sixty-two millimeters (762 mm) in height upon a background of sharply contrasting color, which shall specifically designate the cargo. B. Readily legible warning signs and placards as prescribed in this Rule shall be prominently placed in the transport, storage and processing areas. SECTION HAZARDOUS INSULATOR/CUSHIONING MATERIALS A. The storage areas for plastic-based, fire-supporting, fire-conductive, smoke generating, or toxic gas producing materials that are used as insulators or cushioning material for crates, boxes, walls, air conditioning 336