Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 325

thousand liters (680,000 ℓ) or five hundred sixty seven thousand liters (567,000 ℓ) LPG capacity in each group. Such groups shall be separated by a distance of not less than fifteen meters (15 m) unless the tanks are: a. Mounted in an approved manner; b. Protected with approved insulation on such areas that may be subject to impingement of ignited gas from pipelines or other leakage; c. Protected by firewalls of approved construction, d. Protected by an approved system for the application of water; or e. Protected by other approved means. Where one of these forms of protection is provided, the separation shall not less than seven and a half meters (7.5 m) between such container groups. 8. Storage and transportation of LPG, and the installation of all pertinent equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 58, “Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code.” 9. Containers installed outside of buildings, whether of the portable type replaced on a cylinder exchange basis or permanently installed and refilled at the installation, shall be located with respect to the adjacent containers, important building, group of buildings, or line of adjoining property that can be built upon, in accordance with Table 26: Table 26: MINIMUM DISTANCES OF LPG CONTAINERS OUTSIDE BUILDINGS, BY WATER CAPACITY WATER CAPACITY PER CONTAINER (in liters) Less than 500 500 to 1,000 Above 1,000 to 1,900 Above 1,900 to 7,600 Above 7,600 to 11,400 Above 11,400 to 26,500 Above 26,500 to 34,100 Above 34,100 to 45,400 Above 45,400 to 75,700 Above 75,700 to 378,500 Above 378,500 MINIMUM DISTANCES (in meters) Mounded or Aboveground Between Underground Containers Containers Containers 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 1 3 7.6 1 15 15 1.5 15 23 15 30 ¼ of sum of 15 38 diameters of adjacent 15 61 containers 15 91 15 122 309