Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 324

1. Storage containers for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) shall be designed, fabricated, tested and marked or stamped in accordance with the applicable Philippine National Standards (PNS) and/or U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations, or ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, “Rules for the Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels”, or API-ASME Code for Unfired Vessels for Petroleum Liquids and Gases for bulk, stationary and portable containers. 2. No person shall install or maintain any LPG container, or operate any tank vehicle used for the transportation of LPG without a permit from the Department of Energy (DOE) and other concerned government agencies. 3. For the installation of portable LPG containers exceeding four hundred fifty four liters (454 ℓ) water capacity but not more than four thousand five hundred forty liters (4,540 ℓ) water capacity, the installer shall secure a Fire Safety Clearance from the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. In case of a single container or the aggregate of interconnected containers exceeding four thousand five hundred forty liters (4,540 ℓ) water capacity, the installer shall submit plans to the same BFP Official concerned. 4. No person shall install or maintain an LPG container with a capacity of four thousand five hundred forty liters (4,540 ℓ) or less, within seven and a half meters (7.5 m) of any open flame device outside of buildings, nor shall any person install or maintain any such container with a capacity in excess of four thousand five hundred forty liters (4,540 ℓ) within fifteen meters (15 m) of any such open flame device. 5. Installers shall maintain a record of all installations including those for which permits are not required by para “A” 3 above, but not including the installation of gas burning appliances and the replacement of portable cylinders and have it available for inspection by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. 6. In heavily populated or congested commercial areas, the aggregate capacity of LPG shall not exceed eight thousand liters (8,000 ℓ) water capacity except that in particular installations, this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction, after consideration of special features such as proximity to building, capacity of proposed tanks, degree of private fire protection to be provided, facilities of the Local BFP Office, and provisions of local zoning ordinances. 7. Multiple container installation with a total storage of more than six hundred eighty thousand liters (680,000 ℓ) water capacity or approximately five hundred sixty seven thousand liters (567,000 ℓ) LPG capacity, shall be subdivided into groups of six hundred eighty 308