Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 284
shall not exceed two hundred twenty seven (227 ℓ)
liters capacity and equipped with an approved
pump; and
Class II and III liquids stored in approved containers of
not exceeding four hundred fifty five four liters (454 ℓ)
capacity for each class, with an aggregate capacity
not exceeding nine hundred eight liters (908 ℓ).
v. Piping, valves and fittings shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Specific Requirement for Bulk Plant and Storage.
vi. Class I liquids shall not be dispensed or transferred within a
service station building, except:
vi.a. When the dispensing device is connected to any
pump motor circuit energized by a switch located on
each dispenser and can be operated by removal or
displacement of the nozzle in its bracket;
vi.b. A clearly labeled manually operated pump master
switch is provided in an approved location, within
twenty-two meters (22 m) of, but not nearer than four
and six-tenths meters (4.6 m) to any dispensing
device. Where such master switch is not visible from
all dispensing devices, the location thereof shall be
indicated by approved signs;
vi.c. Signs identifying the pump master switch shall be
vi.d. The master switch on all individual pump circuits
switches shall be set in the "OFF" position before
closing the service station for business; and
vi.e. Pressure system shall incorporate with each turbine,
an indicator light illuminated when the turbine is
running. Said light shall be visible from the dispensing
pump island, and suitably identifiable as to the system
vii. Class II and III liquids may be dispensed in lubrication or service
station buildings provided that flammable vapors do not reach
heating equipments or other sources of ignition. Smoking shall
be prohibited except in designated locations. "NO SMOKING"
signs shall be posted conspicuous areas where hazard from
flammable vapors is normally present.