Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 279
connected to the fill stem or some part of the fill-stem piping.
The free end of such wire shall be provided with a clamp or
similar device for convenient attachment to some metallic part
of the cargo tank of the tank vehicle.
The bond wire
connection shall be securely fastened prior to the opening of
the dome cover. It shall be maintained in place during the
entire filling operation and the dome covers shall be closed
before the bond wire is disconnected from the cargo tank.
xi. Each loading rack facility or property upon which a loading
rack facility is located shall be surrounded by a fence not less
than one five-tenths (1.5) meters high, constructed of wire mesh,
metal sheet or masonry.
xii. No person shall load or unload, or allow the loading or
unloading of a tank vehicle, unless such vehicle is entirely within
such enclosure. No person shall drive or allow the driving of any
tank vehicle, into or from the premises of a bulk plant, except
while traveling in a forward direction.
xiii. There shall be installed on each loading rack facility, riser pipe
between the ground and the outlet, and at least two valves,
one being of the lever-operated type and the other is of the
self-closing type, which may be readily operated from the
loading rack facility platform or top of the vehicle being filled. It
shall be unlawful for any person to tie or unlock such self-closing
valve in the open position.
xiv. Class I flammable liquids shall not be dispensed into containers
xiv.i. The nozzle
xiv.ii. The metallic floor plate on which the container stands
while filling is electrically connected to the fill stem; or
xiv.iii. The fill stem is bonded to the container during filling
operations by means of a bond wire.
Drainage and Waste Disposal
Flammable or combustible liquids spilled at the loading or un-
loading areas shall not be directly discharged into the public
sewer and drainage system or natural waterways. Grading
driveways or intercepting canals with trench grating connected
to separator pits and/or other equally effective means shall be