Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 278

iii. Equipment such as piping, pumps and meters used for the transfer of Class I liquids between storage tanks and the fill stem of the loading rack shall not be used for the transfer of Class II or Class III liquids. iv. Remote pumps located in underground tanks shall be installed on the pump discharge side. A listed and approved leak detection device that will provide an indication if the piping system is not essentially liquid tight shall be installed. This device shall be checked and tested at least annually according to the manufacturer’s specifications to insure proper installation and operation. v. Loading at the top of a tank vehicle with Class I and Class II liquid without vapor control is allowed if the following is complied: v.i. The valve used for the final control of the flow shall be of the self-closing type and shall be manually held open; and v.ii. Automatic means are provided for shutting off the flow when the tank is full. vi. When bottom loading a tank vehicle, with or without vapor control, a positive means shall be provided for loading a predetermined quantity of liquid, together with an automatic secondary shutoff control to prevent overfill. The connecting components between the loading rack and the tank vehicle required to operate the secondary control shall be functionally compatible. vii. When bottom loading a tank vehicle that is equipped with vapor control, but when vapor control is not used, the tank shall be vented to the atmosphere to prevent pressurization of the tank. Such venting shall be at a height not lower than the top of the cargo tank on the vehicle. viii. When bottom loading a tank vehicle, the coupling between the liquid loading hose or pipe and the truck piping shall be by means of a dry disconnect coupling. ix. Connections to the plant vapor control system shall be designed to prevent the escape of vapor to the atmosphere when not connected to a tank vehicle. x. Loading racks facilities shall be equipped with protection against static sparks during truck filling. Protection shall consist of a bare metallic bond wire permanently electrically 262