Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 271

vi. Inside storage and handling room shall comply with approved, supervised sprinkler system as shown in Table 19 below: Table 19: SPRINKLER SYSTEMS FOR INSIDE STORAGE AND HANDLING ROOMS OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROVIDED Yes No Yes No FIRE RESISTANCE RATING 2 hours 2 hours 1 hour 1 hour MAXIMUM SIZE (Floor Area) TOTAL LITERS ALLOWED 46.5 sq. m 46.5 sq. m 13.9 sq. m 13.9 sq. m 18, 925 7, 570 3,785 1,893 q. Outside Storage i. Storage of over 100 drums of Class I liquids shall be limited to groups of one hundred (100) drums, located at least eighteen meters (18 m) from the nearest building or line of adjacent property and each group shall be separated by at least twelve meters (12 m). ii. Storage of over three hundred (300) drums of Class II or III liquids shall be limited to groups of three hundred (300) drums located at least fifteen meters (15 m) from the nearest building or line of adjoining property and each group shall be separated by at least nine meters (9 m). iii. The drum shall be stored in a safe location to prevent runoff or drainage toward other storage of buildings. The area shall be kept clear of grass weeds and other foreign combustibles. Signs shall be posted prohibiting open flames and smoking. Fences or other control measures shall be provided where necessary to protect against tampering or trespassers. iv. Storage of flammable or combustible liquids in closed containers in quantities of eighteen thousand nine hundred twenty five liters (18,925 ℓ) or less outside of buildings shall be located with respect to buildings or line of adjoining property as shown in the Table below. These distances may be reduced with respect to warehouses and industrial buildings or noncombustible or fire-resistive construction. 255