Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 267

SECTION LIQUID An empirical measure that combines volatility with the heat-producing capabilities of the vapor is the flash point determination. The flashpoint is simply the temperature at which a liquid takes off vapor that can be ignited under specified laboratory conditions. Flash point determinations give rise to hazard classification systems, the most severe hazard being afforded by those liquids with the lowest flash point. Hazardous liquid can be flammable or combustible, depending on the flash point. SECTION FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS All flammable and combustible liquids shall be stored, handled, transported, used and manufactured as follows: A. On Storage and Handling 1. General Requirements Flammable and combustible liquid shall be stored on approved containers or tanks properly labeled with the physical properties of its content, flammability or combustibility and precautionary measures. 2. Specific Requirements for Portable Storage In the storage and dispensing of flammable and combustible liquids in safety cans, drums or other approved containers not exceeding two hundred twenty seven liters (227ℓ) in individual capacity, and those portable tanks not exceeding two thousand four hundred ninety eight liters (2,498ℓ) in individual capacity, on different types of occupancies, the following requirements shall be complied: a. Flammable or combustible liquids specified above shall not be stored near exits stairways or areas normally used as means of egress and ingress. It shall be stored either in storage cabinets or inside storage rooms. b. The storage of flammable and combustible liquids in closed containers shall comply with the following occupancy schedule: i. Residential occupancies with not more than three (3) dwelling units with detached garages shall store flammable and combustible liquids up to a maximum of ninety four liters (94 ℓ). ii. Assembly, business and residential occupancies with more than three (3) dwelling units shall store Class I and Class II flammable and combustible combined liquids up to a maximum of thirty eight liters (38 ℓ) or two hundred twenty seven liters (227 ℓ) of Class IIIA liquids. 251