Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 263
(1/2) the height of the pile;
4. All magnesium castings shall be clean and free of chips or fine
particles of magnesium. The size of storage piles of heavy magnesium
castings, either in cartons or crates or free of any packing material
shall be limited to thirty six cubic meters (36 m 3 ). Aisle width shall be at
least one-half the height of the piles and shall be at least three meters
(3 m).
5. Piles of stored light magnesium castings, either in cartons or crates or
without packing, shall be limited in size to twenty eight cubic meters
(28 m 3 ).
6. Aisle spaces in front of racks shall be equal to the height of the racks.
All aisle spaces shall be kept clear.
7. Combustible rubbish, spare crates, and separators shall not be
permitted to accumulate within the aisles between racks.
8. Wet magnesium scrap (chips, fines, swarf, or sludge) shall be kept
under water in covered and vented steel containers at an outside
location. Sources of ignition shall be kept away from the drum vent
and top. Containers shall not be stacked.
9. Storage of dry scrap in quantities greater than one and four tenths
cubic meters (1.4 m 3 ) shall be kept separated from other occupancies
by fire-resistive construction without window openings or by an open
space of at least fifteen meters (15 m). Such buildings shall be well-
10. Magnesium powder shall be stored in steel drums or other closed
conductive containers. The containers shall be tightly sealed and
stored in a dry location.
11. Magnesium storage in quantities greater than one and four tenths
cubic meters (1.4 m 3 ) shall be separated from storage of other
materials that are either combustible or in combustible containers by
aisles with a minimum width equal to the height of the piles of
magnesium products.
12. Magnesium products stored in quantities greater than twenty eight
cubic meters (28 m 3 ) shall be separated into piles each not larger than
twenty eight cubic meters (28 m 3 ), with the minimum aisle width equal
to the height of the piles but in no case shall be less than three meters
(3 m).
13. Where storage in quantity greater than twenty eight cubic meters
(28m 3 ) is in a building of combustible construction, or the magnesium is
packed in combustible crates or cartons, or there is combustible