Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 257

• • • • • • • Glycol in combustible containers (greater than 25 percent and less than 50 percent) Linoleum products Paints, oil-based in combustible containers Pharmaceutical, alcoholic elixirs, tonics, etc. Rugs, foam back Shingles, asphalt Thread or yarn, synthetic or non-viscose i.e. High-hazard commodities are high-hazard products presenting special fire hazards beyond those of class I, II, III or IV. Group “A” plastics not otherwise classified are included in this class. Examples of high-hazard commodities include, but are not limited to, the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Alcoholic beverages, with more than 80-percent alcohol, in bottles or cartons Commodities of any class in plastic containers in carousel storage Flammable solids (except solid combustible metals) Glycol in combustible containers (50 percent or greater) Lacquers, which dry by solvent evaporation, in metal cans or cartons Lubricating or hydraulic fluid in plastic containers Mattresses, foam rubber or foam plastics Pallets and flats which are idle combustible Paper, asphalt, rolled, horizontal storage Paper, asphalt, rolled, vertical storage Paper and pulp, rolled, in vertical storage which is unbanded or not protected with an approved wrap Pillows, foam rubber and foam plastics Pyroxylin Rubber tires Vegetable oil and butter in plastic containers ii. Hazard Classification Hazard shall be classified according to the combustibility of the contents, giving primary consideration to the intensity of fire that could occur; the form in which the products are stored; method of storage; rate of heat release; and period of active burning, to wit: ii.a. Low Hazard Materials Items unpacked except as noted Appliances, electrical 241